Letter: Vote on informed opinions

By The Daily Illini

Kiyoshi Martinez’s column on Tuesday in The Daily Illini was right on target by pointing out that inexperienced voters often fall prey to baseless political rumors. Over the past few weeks, I was absolutely shocked by the number of people who believe the Bush administration is trying to pass a bill reinstating the draft (my own roommate among them). Considering the movement to reinstate the draft was entirely Democrat-sponsored and that the proposal was rejected in a landslide vote by the House of Representatives, I find it absolutely ridiculous that people still associate the current administration with any attempt to pass a draft bill.

As Kiyoshi pointed out, Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., rationalized his sponsorship of the legislation to restore the draft, H.R. 163, by saying, “I truly believe that decision-makers who support war would more readily feel the pain of conflict and appreciate the sacrifice of those on the front lines if their children were there.” This use of intimidation and coercion in order to gain political goals is not only against the principles of this nation, but it qualifies as an act of terrorism. By threatening to reinstate the draft, Rangel is attempting to hold the youth of the United States hostage.

A legitimate case can be made for voting for either President Bush or Sen. John Kerry in this upcoming election, but lies and scaremongering are absolutely unacceptable. Thousands have already died in the war against terrorism, and we owe it to them and their families to vote based on informed opinions instead of fear.

Mike Olszewski

sophomore in engineering

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