Letter: A consistent fair game

By The Daily Illini

In response to Eric Naing’s “Shameful Behavior” column, there is something inherently wrong with believing that Sen. John Kerry’s comment about Mary Cheney’s homosexuality was “a smart move” in the course of the debate.

It was an unnecessary crack that aimed to not only divide hard right-wingers with moderate conservatives, but to show some inconsistencies within the Republican Party.

While the point is valid that Mary Cheney is a lesbian, it does not make her a “fair game” target as Democratic campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill suggested minutes after the debate had concluded. If all U.S. citizens agreed that this type of campaigning was fair, then the Republicans could have made several equally valid points about members of the Democratic family – most noticeably, Teresa Heinz-Kerry.

As Naing and other liberals would have you believe, Heinz is an outspoken woman who exemplifies the ideals and hopes of the Democratic Party. This, however, was not always true. Up until her husband decided to run for president, she was a registered Republican. Somehow this fact is not “fair game” for conservatives because it is outside the political boundaries – boundaries established through basic human decency.

I leave you with a Teresa Heinz-Kerry quote, as Naing left you with a Lynne Cheney quote. For all those who believe Kerry’s attack on Mary Cheney’s homosexuality was fair and simply within the political arena, you can all “shove it!”

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Tom Draths

sophomore in LAS