Letter: Jakobsson is the right choice

By The Daily Illini

More than one soon-to-be-graduating senior has told me they feel they are leaving the University just in time. Class sizes are exploding; tuition is skyrocketing; and buildings such as Lincoln Hall are falling apart. Unfortunately, the financial security of the University remains of great direct concern to the rest of us, who still expect a quality education in the next few years. Therefore, as a sophomore interested in electing a state representative who will work hard for my education, I am voting for state Representative Naomi Jakobsson.

On Tuesday, this newspaper endorsed Rep. Jakobsson’s Republican opponent, Deb Feinen, based on the allegation that Rep. Jakobsson has not done enough for our University. In the Illinois House of Representatives, Jakobsson serves on the Higher Education Committee and the Appropriations for Higher Education Committee. She worked with Democratic leaders in the General Assembly to prevent a $14 million cut in state funding to the University proposed by Gov. Blagojevich. Furthermore, Naomi Jakobsson has been a student and a teacher at this University, and her husband continues to be on faculty – thus she has a personal connection with the University that Deb Feinen notably lacks.

Obviously, all of us would like to see the state provide increased funding to the University. However, given the current financial situation in the state, The Daily Illini owes its readers an explanation for why it believes Deb Feinen could do better. Personally, I’m voting for the candidate with the most experience and for the party traditionally most concerned with public education – Democratic state Representative Naomi Jakobsson.

Kate Parkhurst

sophomore in LAS

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