Letter: Not checking sources

It has been almost one year since a previous columnist of The Daily Illini, Mariam Sobh, published a column that included several “quotes” of Israeli leaders that showed them secretly wanting to kill all Palestinians. None of those statements came from credible sources, nor were they authenticated. In fact, one fabricated quote by Ariel Sharon, how he wanted to “burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area,” was self-convicting, as it included a term that did not exist until 10 years after the statement was supposedly made.

After receiving countless letters, Sobh apologized for her error. However, this same quote has appeared in The Daily Illini again, in a letter written by Joseph Danavi on Nov. 18.

Danavi claimed to have been dispelling myths about Arafat, and to be the one who heroically tells the “truth” about the man. However, Danavi’s repeated mistake with the Sharon quote, along with countless other blatantly false claims in his letter, demonstrates the source of anti-Israel sentiment – one’s ignorance of the conflict. None of Danavi’s arguments stand in the face of real evidence. Danavi claimed that Arafat “recognized Israel and accepted the worldwide offer of a two-state solution,” and that it was Israel’s leadership that rejected this concept. However, the continuous preaching of the murder of Jews by the Palestinian leadership, media, and schools indicate otherwise. Furthermore, when actually offered a two-state solution at Camp David in 2000, Arafat rejected the opportunity, made no counter-offers, and instead began the Intifada.

Writers of anti-Israel rhetoric tend to appear incapable of checking the validity of their sources, and blindly accept the statements of terrorists and dictators as the truth. Perhaps if these individuals actually researched their topics, they would support just causes rather than write baseless arguments about what they believe is the truth.

Jeremy Glassenberg

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