Letter: ‘Thoughtless’ still offends

By The Daily Illini

I have read The Daily Illini regularly since arriving on campus this fall. While the Opinions page is often disappointing, it is at least entertaining. The student comics, however, are rarely entertaining and often offensive.

I read Matt Vroom’s now-infamous comic regarding Jewish stereotypes. I also read the large volume of letters on both sides of the issue. I even read an apology from The Daily Illini printed on the Opinions page. This apology column stated that changes would be made to prevent the printing of similarly offensive material in the future.

The Daily Illini has obviously not learned from past mistakes. On Tuesday, The Daily Illini ran the comic “Thoughtless” (an appropriate name). Much like Matt Vroom, Matt Yurkanin has used his comic to perpetuate a false stereotype about a religious group, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, more commonly known as the Mormon church. I find it amazing that, after all of the controversy surrounding Matt Vroom’s comic, The Daily Illini would print something so clearly offensive to another religion.

Where are the Daily Illini’s promised changes? Will Matt Yurkanin be held responsible for the content of his comic strip? Will the comics page editor, if there is an editor, be held accountable? Printing this material is an embarrassment to the University. How long will the incompetence continue?

Brian Eldredge

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