Letter: Anti-Christian views offend

On Feb. 8, Bridget Sharkey published a column titled “We’re just not that into you,” in which she degrades and stereotypes Christian men.

“Virgin O’Christ: This species of male can commonly be identified by his ‘Abreadcrumb and Fish’ T-shirt and ‘In case of rapture, this car will be unmanned’ bumper sticker. This boy loves God, and, boy, does God love him. In theory, this guy sounds like a very spiritual and enlightened young man. In practice, he is a twenty-two year-old virgin with an axe to grind … a very horny axe. Because he only listens to country and gospel, he tends to use antiquated phrases like ‘a woman’s place is in the home’ and ‘my wife better know how to cook.’ If you aren’t looking to be married the day after tomorrow, you should probably let this Lazarus lie.”

As a Christian – and for that matter, a married one with my wife also a student here – I am highly offended at the concept that this newspaper is spreading this kind of hateful and incorrect rhetoric that Christian men are nothing but sexual hypocrites who oppress women and insist they be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen of their homes.

This comes on the heels of another discriminatory action by the Daily Illini in which Chancellor Herman did take action. That was the infamous “I Hate Pam” comic that was offensive to Jews. It was widely reported in the media that Chancellor Herman personally confronted The Daily Illini staff and insisted they take part in sensitivity training on that occasion.

It appears that the training, if undergone, did not work. I insist that the University follow up on this egregious act of wanton hatred towards Christian men, with the same kind of energy it pursued the “I Hate Pam” issue.

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John Bambenek

Academic Professional