Opinion | Slow down this holiday season

December 12, 2019
It’s that time of year again. Front lawns across the country are decorated with giant blow-up Santa Clauses and plastic reindeer. People are adorning their trees with ornaments and tinsel.
Christmas may be one of the greatest holidays of the year, but sometimes it feels too hyped up. Instead of spending the last month of the year rushing to make the 25th the best day yet, take a breather. Slowing down this holiday season may be just what you need.
Don’t spend every waking moment shopping for that perfect gift for a loved one. Those endless deals and savings are just another way for big-box stores to rake in extra revenue.
Here are some ways to spend this holiday season right:
Take one night out of the month — or a couple — and hit the streets for some good old-fashioned Christmas caroling. Grab your friends and family together, warm up those chops and spread some good cheer by singing Christmas classics like “Jingle Bells” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” to neighbors down your street. Maybe you could even sing a few bars of more recent holiday hits like Elton John’s “Step into Christmas” and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You.”
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When not battling the cold winter air, try bundling up inside one day to make a gingerbread house or even a village if you’re daring enough. While doing so, drink some warm hot cocoa and maybe string together popcorn to put on the tree. You know you’ll end up watching a few Hallmark Channel Christmas movies and some other classics like “A Christmas Story” and “Elf,” too. Whatever you wish to do, spend one night inside this holiday season.
If you’re one to love the cold winter air, dedicate a day to sledding, building a snowman or downhill skiing. The snow only comes around for a short time each year, so use your time wisely with it. Spend a night or two taking in all of the neighbors outside lights, maybe even visit Chicago’s tree in Millennium Park.
Normally on Christmas, we expect to receive great gifts but sometimes lack generosity. To prevent this from happening this year, give a gift to those loved ones in your life. You could even do something as small as writing each of them their own personalized Christmas card.
Before the Big Man arrives at your house on Christmas Eve, it wouldn’t hurt to see him at your nearest mall to personally ask him what you want for Christmas. He’s a jolly old fellow with too much spirit. Just make sure to leave some milk and cookies for him when he arrives and enough for yourself, too.
Christmas feels like it arrives faster each year, and it makes people rush like someone just lit a fire underneath their rear end. Don’t let this holiday turn you into a wacko. Step back, take a deep breath and enjoy it for all it has to offer. Plus, it only comes once a year, so make it memorable.
Noah is a sophomore in LAS.