Opinion | Power through this semester’s finals
May 5, 2021
It’s that time of year again — and no, it’s not Christmas.
On college campuses everywhere, it’s finals season: the tail end of the semester in which students feel the peak of stress, fuzziness, anxiety and depleted energy levels.
We are all in the same boat: studying for final exams, working on final presentations, projects, papers and attempting to keep our heads above water. This semester hasn’t been easy for any of us, but we are almost done. In doing so, let’s power through to the end in these final weeks of the semester.
For over a year now, remote learning has drained us daily. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Most University students will attend in-person classes in the fall, but we still must deal with this finals season.
School can be stressful, so take moments for yourself. Whatever you like to do, just do it. Who cares what anyone else thinks. If it makes you happy and feel good, then that’s all that matters. It could be coffee breaks with your friends, a hobby like playing guitar or writing or, crucially, admiring the puppies play on the quad. Whatever you do, solely focus on it. Forget about school in the time being — that way, when you do come back to your studies, you will have a recharged battery.
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Studying for finals can be hard, but it’s not the end of the world. The sun will shine tomorrow. You will see all of your friends and keep going strong until the end. It’ll certainly be an uphill battle, but knowing it’s not the end of the world should make you feel better. Live for today, and tomorrow will subsequently arrive.
This finals season might be the toughest moment of your lives, but you are not the worst-off person in the world right now. There are plenty of people around the globe in charge of countries, leading companies, fighting battles every day and so much more.
Knowing this should help you understand you’re in a good place. You don’t have to run a business or a country. You just have to make it through these finals weeks of the semester.
Fellow Illini, this semester hasn’t been easy, but no challenge is too great for any of us. I have great faith and belief in all of you to charge ahead these last few weeks. When it’s all over, we will feel that breath of fresh air, and another year at the University will be complete.
So let’s power through Illini — we can do this, together.
Noah is a junior in Media.