Opinion | Start conversations with McDonald’s orders


Esmeralda Jade/Wikimedia Commons

Senior columnist Noah Nelson believes a great way to spark a conversation would be asking someone what their go-to McDonald’s order is.

By Noah Nelson, Senior Columnist

In today’s society, common questions constantly appear in conversation when meeting someone new like “How are you?” and “What do you do for a living?” It’s the icebreaker that makes or breaks a relationship.

Here at the University and other colleges, students answer icebreaker questions on the first day of school such as “Where are you from?” and “What’s your major?” This works well as it finds common ground between the people speaking or at least attempts to.

But icebreakers deserve an update. For too long the basic sets of questions have lingered, today a fresh question should be “What’s your go-to order at McDonald’s?” This is the conversation game changer.

Unless you live under a large rock, you know what McDonald’s is. You’ve probably eaten something from its menu many times over — potentially with regret.

Nevertheless, it’s a staple of American culture: eating watermelon on the Fourth of July, watching baseball and standing for the national anthem. It defines who we are as a country even as a global society.

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But why ask someone’s go-to order when you meet them for the first time? Well, why not? It finds common ground, gets the ball rolling and might even turn into one of the best conversations ever.

Everyone’s different. Case in point, their order is going to be different too from the next person. I know from experience.

Over the years, I’ve discussed with many folks about their go-to McDonald’s order. Some say a Big Mac with a large Coke. Others say a 20-piece chicken McNuggets with a chocolate shake. Sometimes, folks say outlandish orders like four McDoubles or even a few of those tasty apple pies.

Whatever it may be, it’s their order. It becomes a part of who we are as a person. Sometimes, others might know us by our order — my friends sure do.

What’s a trip to McDonald’s for me without a Filet-o-Fish sandwich, a ten-piece and a large Hi-C? Or two McChickens? Or a sausage and cheese McGriddle in the morning paired with a burrito and a caramel frappe?

I have many go-to orders at Mcdonald’s. They all depend on my mood, the time of day, how much money is in my pocket or what I’m willing to spend. Yet, I’m always happy with my order.

But why bring this up with someone you’re meeting for the first time?

Picture it like a book club, an anger management group or even in line at a concert. Already, we’ve found common ground without saying much. Once someone mentions McDonald’s, there’s always something to talk about.

As a society, sometimes it’s difficult to break out of your comfort zone. Meeting new people can be the worst. But if we find something of common interest, then there’s already a conversation in the works and the making of a great friendship.

Whether we like it or not, we’ve all been to McDonald’s before. And we all have our preferred item or three ready to be discussed. Next time you meet someone new or while you’re waiting in line at the store or bank, ask someone their McDonald’s order. A fresh friend and or potential lunch date awaits.

Noah is a senior in Media.

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