Factors to consider when deciding how many people to live with

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Women on messy bed

By Lauren Martens

Lauren Lolordo, junior in ACES, said she used a Facebook group for incoming University freshmen to find a roommate.

“I found it really helpful because you could talk to potential roommates and also see what they were interested in based off of their pictures,” she said.

If a student chooses to room with someone random, University Housing provides them with a questionnaire to fill out while applying for housing. The form aims to match people with similar interests, personalities and lifestyles.

Jennifer Reardon, sophomore in LAS, said she chose to go with a random roommate and thankfully, they were compatible.

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“We both slept in late, ate the same things and had similar style,” she said.

Despite her luck, she advises students to “pick someone who has a lifestyle similar to your own.”

Students should have discussions with potential roommates to ask important questions, such as what their interests are or if they’ve roomed with someone before.

If they have lived with someone before, it can prove to be beneficial, as they would already be accustomed to accommodating to someone else’s schedule. They will understand different sleeping, school and social schedules.

“I think you should definitely hang out with your potential roommate a few times before making a decision,” said Deni Alvarez, sophomore in AHS.

One should also consider whether the person prioritizes going out or studying, or if they’re unorganized or messy. Decide what your priorities are, and make a decision based on that.

The next decision to make is how many people to live with.

Lolordo has lived with one person, is currently living with three others and plans to live in a house with 20 people next year.

“As long as you enjoy the people you live with, it doesn’t really matter how many people I’m living with,” she said.

While compatibility is more central to finding harmony than the number of people a student lives with, they should once again take their preferences into consideration. If a student doesn’t want all the energy that comes with having several roommates and if they like a quieter atmosphere, they should try sticking with no more than one or two roommates.

But if they’d like to have a more social experience, more roommates can expose them to that. In the end, students should aim to find a balance between academic and social success, and they should surround themselves with people who can help them attain that balance.

No matter how many roommates a student has, it’s important to find ways to avoid conflicts. Sometimes, space can be the best solution, Reardon said.

“Fights were avoided by having a few different friend groups and letting them do their own thing, and not necessarily doing everything together all the time,” she said.

Open communication can also be key, Lolordo said.

“I think it’s important to address things that bother you or fights as soon as possible in order for them not to get worse.”

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