Students share some favorite dad memories

By Sonal Singh, Staff Writer

For many of us, our father figures are our childhood superheroes, the ones rushing to our aid for the smallest  concerns. This weekend provides us with the perfect opportunity to reminisce about our favorite memories of our dads. Here’s what students across campus had to say about their most memorable moments with their dads.

Maria Sajan, sophomore in Engineering, said her favorite memory of her dad is one that comes up during family dinners all the time.

“(I remember) the time I came back home after vacation with the rest of my family only to find that my dad had remodeled the entire house, got three satellites on the roof and a flat-screen TV for the living room,” Sajan said.

She talked about how amusing it was and how since then, her house is referred to as the one with three satellites.

Harsh Deep, sophomore in LAS, shared the one thing he remembers most about his dad.

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“When I was in fifth grade, we were doing QBASIC, a very clunky (programming) language that was quite old,” Deep said. “I wanted to get a new game that had just come out. After asking my dad, he said he would get me the game if I completed a task … And so, he gave me the task of generating n Fibonacci numbers, much harder than what we were doing in school. It took me the entire weekend … but he refused to help me but still gave me a few website links. It was pretty fun, and I just kept asking him for more. I never really ended up playing the game, but I still talk to him nearly daily about what I am doing in Computer Science.”

Prerana Kiran, sophomore in Engineering, said her most memorable moment of her father is from her childhood. “One memory I think about a lot is from when we went to an Egyptian museum that featured a lot of exhibits from a documentary we had watched earlier that year about ancient Egyptian rulers,” Kiran said. “When I recognized the models of some temples at Luxor, my dad and I essentially fan-girled over them. I think this is one of my fondest memories because it is something we bonded over and for the first time really talked about something we had in common: a love for learning and an appreciation for history.”

Inhoo Kim, freshman in AHS, said one of his favorite memories, although slightly random, is one that he thinks back to a lot. “A few years ago, we were playing around and ended up getting in a physical play fight,” Kim said. “This moment comes to mind all the time just because it was super fun and made us laugh”.

Swati Bishnoi, a student in Law, shared her favorite memory of her father.

“(I remember) when I decided to pursue my career as a lawyer because he is a lawyer too.” Bishnoi said. “This was an important time for both of us because he guided me all through the process and motivated me to pursue my master’s degree here at the University.”

Regardless of whether your dad visits you for this weekend, take this weekend to bond with him over funny incidents from your past or your future plans. Make sure you spend some quality time with him, whether it’s in-person attending events on campus or over the phone, just asking about his day.

Sonal is a sophomore in Business. 

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