8 tips for an excellent resume

By Meral Aycicek, Assistant Special Sections Editor

You did your research and found a list of jobs, internships or fellowships you want to apply to. Your next step is writing that resume. Understandably, it is a daunting task. You have only one page to reflect all of your hard work. However, resume writing does not need to be a stressful process. Use these eight helpful tips to polish off your resume this fall.

Approach it like a project with a deadline

You would not, at least, you should not, leave your important and time-consuming project for the last day and expect to do your best. Resumes take time and thorough editing, and time management is key. That’s why even if you’re not applying for any jobs in the near future, you should still create a basic resume to have on hand if an opportunity presents itself.

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Be aware of the resources around you

The University has a Career Center where you can go to get your resume edited by professionals and receive immediate feedback. The Career Center takes appointments or walk-ins, so if you find you are near there with an hour to spare, feel free to stop in to better your chances of finding a job.

Make a list of your accomplishments

Before you begin writing, you should compile everything — education, work history, skills, awards and other accomplishments — into a big list. Highlight the ones that are most important and reflect your skills and personality the best, and make sure they are included in your resume.

Everything should have a purpose

Every word, punctuation, space and date should be there for a reason. Your future employer will spend only a few minutes, if that, looking at your resume. Go through it meticulously and ask yourself what each word says about you to a potential employer.

Don’t underestimate the value of community service

Volunteering is proof that you are self-motivated and want to make the world a better place, and employers like that. Service is another great way to showcase leadership skills as well, so if you find yourself talking to an employer about your resume, make sure to mention all of the hard work you’ve done for others.

Put at least one thing that makes you unique

A hobby or life experience is a great conversation starter and helps your employer remember you among a whole stack of other potentials. Just be wary of putting anything divisive, like a political party, unless it has to do with your work experience.


If you’re applying for an internship in the Department of State, would you want your future employer to know that you speak seven languages? Definitely. Be smart and think about what skills the position you’re applying for requires and desires, and tailor your resume accordingly.


This goes without saying, but your resume is possibly the last place you want to make a typo. Have someone who knows what they’re doing read over your resume or go to the Career Center. After all, you don’t want all of that hard to work to go to waste over a small mistake.

Meral is a sophomore in DGS. 

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