Avoid stress on Move-In Day
An I-Guide directing the family of an incoming freshman at Florida Avenue Residence Hall.
August 22, 2018
Move-In Day can be a stressful time for freshmen, as well as the parents helping them move in. Though many students have probably been waiting for Move-In Day all summer, when the time comes, moving half of your belongings from your parents’ home to a small cinder block dorm room can be a stressful and hectic endeavor. That being said, here are a few ways you can make the day run smoother for yourself and anyone else helping you move.
Don’t save packing for the last minute
The best way to have a stress-free move starts before all of your belongings are packed into the back of a car or shipped across the country. Make lists of everything you need to bring from home, what you need to buy before you leave and what you’ll buy once you’re in Champaign. Trust me, scrambling around your parents’ place at 5 a.m. and shoving all of your belongings in cardboard boxes is not a good way to start the first day of living on your own.
Pack efficiently
Don’t just throw your stuff into the car at random. If you want to make moving in as simple as possible, it’s a good idea to put more thought into how you’re packing everything you’re bringing to college. Here are a few suggestions:
- Pack cleaning supplies on top — you’re almost certainly going to want to wipe down every surface of your room before you start moving all of your stuff in.
- Keep clothes on their hangers and put them in a garbage bag so you don’t have to spend time unfolding and rehanging clothes.
- Pack decorations separate from the rest of your belongings since they’re less important and can be put up on your own.
- Label each box with what’s inside.
- If you’re bringing any storage containers or organizers, pack those while you’re at home to save space, as well as time, on Move-In Day.
Function over form
Don’t worry about dressing up for Move-In Day — with all the walking and lifting you’re going to do, you’re going to want to wear something comfortable. Bonus points if you remember to bring snacks and water (they go a long way in keeping you and your moving party happy).
Save yourself a shopping trip
When you get to your dorm, you’ll almost certainly realize you’ve forgotten to pack a few necessities. Don’t go to Target or Walmart every time you realize you’ve forgotten something, Instead, have a running list of everything you need, and go to the store toward the end of Move-In Day before your parents leave. While you’re there, make sure to buy some food to stock up your mini fridge or snack drawer.
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Don’t take your frustrations out on your parents
No matter how well you plan in advance, there will likely be a certain amount of stress that comes with moving away from home for the first time. Don’t take your frustrations out on your parents or anyone else helping you move. They’re probably sad about you leaving home, so listen to their advice on how to pack the room, don’t roll your eyes at any of their lectures and enjoy your time with them before you start school.
Heather is a sophomore in LAS