Make your bucket list for Quad Day

Kenyon Edmond

Students and representatives for Registered Student Organizations on Quad Day on Aug. 26. With so much to see, it’s important to narrow down your to-do list.

By Natalie Stanowski, Assistant Special Sections Editor

With the start of the school year upon us, Quad Day is finally here. Packed to the brim with RSOs, Greek life and your sweaty fellow college students, Quad Day can seem like an insurmountable behemoth of an event, especially if it’s your first time. While there are dozens upon dozens of options to choose from, here are a few can’t-miss ideas for this year’s Quad Day.

Stop by the poster sale

Whether you’re a veteran upperclassman living off campus or a new student making the dorms their home, there’s no easier way to make you room feel like home than a new poster of something you love. While this isn’t technically an event on the Main Quad, you’ll probably want a break from the heat and crowd. The sale will be held inside the Union from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. for those wanting a blast of cold air conditioning or a new poster for their room.

Grab a free t-shirt

One of the biggest motivators for students to take part in Quad Day, aside from looking for new organizations to join, is all the free swag handed out. While you’ll certainly find yourself with more free tees than you can wear over the course of your college career, there’s no harm in starting early. Double points if you can snag a free shirt from one of the clubs you were already interested in joining.

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Cool down under the misting tent

C-U weather can be unpredictable — frighteningly so. But with hundreds of bodies piled onto the Main Quad like a human traffic jam, Quad Day tends to be warmer than the actual temperature outside. Props to you if you plan to bring a water bottle, but if you want to save yourself the hassle of carrying it around with you, stop by one of the misting tents to cool yourself down. You’ll be able to find one next to the Illini Union, as well as the Undergraduate Library.

Join at least three mailing lists

One of the best parts about Quad Day is the lack of commitment required. With hundreds of organizations packed across the Main Quad, it might feel intimidating to sign-up for clubs when you’re faced with so many options. Luckily, any mailing list you join can be unsubscribed from with a simple click, so add your email to any and all clubs that pique your interest.

See a demonstration

If you get tired of looking at poster boards, come see one of the demonstrations. The area next to Noyes Laboratory, as well as just south of the Illini Union, will have demonstrations by various organizations for you to watch. If you’re looking for a more hands-on or visual idea of what an RSO’s activities entail, check out the demonstrations areas and see for yourself.

Take a look at service organizations

Whether you are a freshman looking to make some new friends or an upperclassman looking to get more involved, there are plenty of service and volunteer organizations to join. If you want to give back to the community, there are plenty of options for whichever cause you feel most drawn to. Take a walk down the volunteer path on the Main Quad and see if anything catches your eye.

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