Women’s swim team spends winter vacation in training

By Meghan Montemurro

While most students here at the University of Illinois headed back home during winter break, the Illinois women’s swimming and diving team traveled to Florida for a 12-day training trip. It allowed the athletes to focus on the team and swimming and diving while providing a time to practice without worrying about classes. Head Coach Sue Novitsky believes this was an important time to get work done.

“It was a great block of training that we were able to have,” Novitsky said. “It was our last push to get work in before we start to rest and peak for the Big Ten Championships.”

A typical day consisted of two hours in the morning of long-course swimming and two hours of short-course swimming in the evening. The team also had a weight workout or a dry land workout. Overall, Novitsky said she was pleased with the training and focus of the team.

Following their training trip in Florida, the Michigan Invitational offered a challenge for the Illini, especially against highly ranked opponents Indiana, Notre Dame and Michigan.

“They were definitely very tired at the meet and the thing they improved on the most was the focus on details on the second day,” Novitsky said.

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At this point in the season, Novitsky is pleased with where the team is in their training as well as their health. This weekend, the Illini will travel to Iowa City to take on the Hawkeyes in the final tune-up before the Big Ten Championships, which is three weeks away. Novitsky expects it to be a tight competition against Iowa, as it has been in the past.

“I’m looking for them to go in there and really go at it and be competitive and work to put all the things we have been working towards, together, so it is automatic for the Big Ten Championships,” Novitsky said.