Olympic medal winner Lochte has missed 2 drug screenings

By Rachel Cohen

NEW YORK – Ryan Lochte is famous for his laid-back, surfer-dude attitude. Maybe too laid-back.

The swimmer, who won four Olympic medals in Beijing, said Tuesday that he has twice been cited for missing drug tests. Athletes must keep the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency apprised of their whereabouts at all times; they can be suspended if they can’t be located for a test three times in 18 months.

“One more, I’m hurtin’,” Lochte said, conceding that he’s “horrible” about updating USADA on his travels.

Lochte didn’t appear too concerned about his situation – U.S. teammate Natalie Coughlin seemed more alarmed after hearing Lochte talk about it. It was Coughlin who had brought up the challenge of keeping USADA informed as the star swimmers jet around the country following the Olympics.

“I don’t know from day to day where I’ll be,” said Coughlin, who won six medals in Beijing.

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“You have to be really diligent about giving them your whereabouts 24-7, which is a huge pain in the butt, but it’s something that we do,” Coughlin said.