Countdown to gametime with Brit Miller

By Daniel Johnson

Brit Miller said that preparing for the game is just like being a creature of habit. The senior linebacker divulged his pregame rituals and some of his night-before rituals on how he will get ready for Western Michigan.

6:30 a.m.

Miller, who rooms with linebacker Martez Wilson, will rise from his beauty rest and wake his teammate from sleep, starting his specific game-day routine.

“Game day’s always the same, no matter where you’re at,” Miller said. “I always wake up (Martez Wilson) earlier than we have to,” Miller said. “I’ll make sure he’s ready to roll. I’ll jump in the shower, we’ll go down and eat breakfast after I get clean.”

7:00 a.m.

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Miller takes after his former teammates and family when it comes to his pregame meal.

“I eat three pieces of pineapple, a little thing of hashbrowns, one piece of bacon and two pieces of sausage and ketchup, that’s standard,” Miller said. “My dad makes that kind of stuff back home. And, J Leman told me that pineapple helps you digest things quicker, that’s what I’ll eat on a morning game.”

Quarterback and wide receiver Eddie McGee’s breakfast is considerably different than Miller’s, to stay the least.

“When we go eat before the game,” McGee said, “I’ll normally get mashed potatoes, two steaks and two chicken breasts.”

To top it all off?

“I’ll crush all that with some juice.”

Miller said that after breakfast there is a small break to go back to his room to go over things with his teammates.

“We’ll head back up to the room, talk schemes, and then some dumb stuff, just joke around. We’ll normally have our wrestling match before, the night before.”

Wrestling match?

“Oh, (with) Tez, yeah,” Miller said incredulously. “I’ll normally say something like, ‘look that way,’ he’ll look and I’ll jump on him. It’s pretty standard each time.”

Miller, McGee and the rest of the team will take to the Illinois chartered buses, where most of the team will use music as a means of getting into their mind set before the game.

8:30 a.m.

The team will arrive at whichever stadium it is playing at, Miller said, generally 2 1/2 hours before kickoff.

“As soon as we get to the field, I like to be one of the first ones on the field, the first ones to get dressed and taped up,” Miller said. “I like being around football stadiums, it helps me to get out there and relax a little. I’ll try to get out there early and throw around the ball a little bit. Takes me back to the grassroots of it, helps you get your game face on.”

11:00 a.m.

Miller said that the times afterward vary, but that whenever all the prep work is done, it’s up to him and his teammates to run through their drills and finish preparation.

“Me and Sam Carson will always get out there and do our stretches,” Miller said. “We know these older bodies on 22-year-olds can use it, stretch it out and get the blood flowing.”But when we start to drill, it’s all about reaction drills, key drills, simulate what they do us and mentally check what we need to be doing. We go over our checks with the defense and get things to where they need to be. It is always good doing it with someone like Sam because he’s so smart and having him out here now makes a huge difference.”