Cubs fans tell all


Lily Katz

Cubs fans watch the game at Legends Bar on Sunday, October 14, 2016.

By Jacob Singleton

Emily Maul

How exciting is it tha the cubs made it this far?

I’m really excited my dad has always been a huge Cubs fan. He is really excited.

Do you think the Cubs can win the World Series?

I wouldn’t want to say yes because I am superstitious. I think they have a lot of talent and they have gotten this far.

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Do you have any plans if they make it to the World Series?

I would watch it. Maybe we would have a cubs party.

Do you have any plans if the Cubs win the World Series?

I think we would go out and celebrate the big win.

Where do you like to watch the Cubs’ games

The campus bars. Firehaus, murphy’s, legends kams.

David Varley

Junior information technology.

How exciting is it that the Cubs made it this far?

It’s amazing. I feel everyone on campus is on board with the Cubs and it is just, they are a lot trickier right now. It is something ot do every night. To watch them/

Do you think the Cubs can win the World Series?

This year they are actually gonna win.

Do you have any plans if they make it to the World Series?

If they do make the World Series, I know my brother lives down the street from Wrigley Field so I’ll probably be making the trip back home for sure.

Where do you like to watch the Cubs’ games

If they win I am not sure quite yet. I am not quite sure though.

Where do you like to watch the Cubs’ games

My favorite place to go is KAMs to watch the Cubs game. I try to go watch once or twice a week if the cubs are playing.

Andrew Koehler

Junior in Aerospace engineering

How excited are you this season?

It’s just great, it’s great watching the cubs play post season baseball. I’ve been a Cubs fan my whole life and it’s just been a really exciting postseason so far.

Do you think they will go all the way?

I think so. I think this is the year. One of the things of being a Cubs fan is you have to be optimistic, you have to believe in your team, and so I think this is the year.

Any plans if they make it to the World Series?

I’d really like to see a game, but I know the tickets are going to be really expensive. But I’ll at least be watching it.

What about any plans for the World Series win?

Oh I don’t know, probably just celebrate and have fun with friends.

Where do you watch?

Pretty much wherever. A lot of times, I just watch it at home or a restaurant or something.


Daniel Moore

Sophomore in Accounting

How excited?

I have never been more excited for a sports team since I think, my birth, I’d say. I’m from the northwest side of Chicago and the cubs have been my favorite team regardless of what sport. It’s an absolute joy to watch them go this far.

All the way?

Absolutely, there’s no question about that.

Plans if they make it?

Head back to Chicago, we’re actually out here tonight for an Illinois sports business conference social event, this is all of us, we’re really excited to come out and watch the cubs game. Getting excited about the cubs

Any plans?

If they won the World Series, I think I’d get a tattoo of the ‘W’ flag

Favorite place to watch/

favorite place is easily Wrigley Field. I’ve been to about 10 games this summer, every single game just the atmosphere entirely of a winning sports team, espcailyl thie cubs, where we haven’t had this good of a season since literally the last time they won the world series. It has been incredible.



Ryan Gourley

Senior in information systems and information technology

How excited are you this season?

It’s awesome, I mean they haven’t won since 1908 so its’ great to have them come out and do well the last couple days.

Do you think they will go all the way?

I do, they had the best record in baseball this year and they’ve done well so far, hopefully they can win it this year.

Any plans if they make the world series?

I’ll probably go to wriggly ville for one of the world series games, drive up for the day. And spend the night up there

If they actually win, what would you do?

Drink a lot of beer and have a big party pretty much. Am I allowed to say that?

How do you normally watch the game?

Sitting around, drink some beers and watch the game like we’re doing right now