Significance of Chief

By Moein Khawaja

According to the reactions from most Chief fans, the Chief was more important than donations, all academics, all sports programs, the actual games themselves, wearing orange and blue, the prestige of the university and probably the university itself! Wow. What unbelievable madness and very mixed up priorities, good riddance! A symbol cannot be a symbol if it’s more important than the ideas or institution it symbolizes! This mass toddler tantrum is making our university look like some absurd cult to the entire country and the world.

For chief supporters, the Chief stood for great ideals such as loyalty, honor, and courage; but clearly, they never had loyalty to the university if they’re going to strip all of their support from it. They have no honor if they can’t set aside their pride and arrogance and move on. And they certainly have no courage to accept change and progress.

Just accept the fact that it’s over and show that you have some sanity and continue to support our university, our sports teams, and anything else that actually matters to human civilization. We are all part of the University of Illinois, not University of the chief, or is that where I’m mistaken?

Moein Khawaja

University alumnus ’05

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