Coverage productive

After the Virginia Tech tragedy I was not surprised to see an editorial about it, but I was surprised at the stance the opinion took. In the editorial titled, “Media should remember victims, not killer,” the Daily Illini Editorial Board argued that the news coverage on Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech mass murderer, was unproductive and insensitive to the victims.

I completely disagree, news coverage on Cho is very productive. Cho’s mannerisms and demeanor were clear indications of his mental instability.

In English class Cho was obsessed with plays and poems about violence and killing, so much so, that his professor, Nikki Giovanni, tried to get him removed from the class. His demeanor foreshadowed his horrific actions on April 16. If someone had taken initiative and researched Cho, 33 lives might have been saved. The news coverage on Cho educates United States citizens; it gives them tell-tale signs, so they can recognize a potential mass murderer.

Hopefully, the next mass murderer will be stopped before he or she even takes action. To restrict news coverage is denying reality. We have learn from this reality and prevent it from happening again.

I also disagree with the claim that news coverage on Cho is insensitive to the victims. These victims and their families surely want to prevent another tragedy like this one.

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With all that being said, however, it is indisputable that the victims are deserving of the utmost remembrance and memorialization. My heart goes out to anyone involved in the Virginia Tech tragedy, especially the victims and their families.

Bridget Mulcahy

freshman in FAA