Respecting life in Iraq and America

By Chris Umphlett

The latest news from Iraq suggests that al-Qaida has willingly resorted to new moral lows in its effort to kill. Among these tactics is two women with Down syndrome being used as human bombs in a crowded marketplace, an operation “carried out by two booby-trapped mentally disabled women.”

The latest news in the U.S. suggests that the medical industry has reached new highs in its effort to normalize standards for babies and children. Fetuses diagnosed with Down syndrome often fail to reach these standards. The American College of Obstetricians recently recommended that all pregnant women, regardless of age, have their unborn babies tested in the first trimester for Down.

A 2005 Harvard study found that many physicians did not provide these expecting parents up-to-date information or referrals to support groups.

The parallel efforts of medical academia and practitioners work hand-in-hand to de-emphasize the value of human life. The result is an abortion rate estimated at 59-92 percent for Down syndrome diagnoses.

It is easy to see that al-Qaida has a blatant disregard for human life. Unfortunately, we must remove the speck from our own society’s eye before we can speak with credibility and authority against the logs of terrorism.

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Would we justify the use of Down syndrome women as weapons, even if we were the aggressor? Does it really matter the justness of the cause? Is it not inherently wrong? Truth invites us to condemn the act no matter the dreams and ideals.

Should we justify the use of technology that leads to devaluing the life of those with Down syndrome? Does it really matter, the hopes or ideals of doctors and expecting parents? Is it not inherently wrong? Truth invites us to condemn the act no matter the dreams and ideals.