Are you ready for mom? Better get cleaning

By Stephanie Benhart

Many mothers still might not see their college-age children as adults. Instead, they see them as little boys who like to play in the mud or little girls who still wear pigtails in their hair, both of which might be true.

But college life is different from home life.

The freedom available to college students helps to expand horizons and to grow, but other responsibilities, such as cleaning, sometimes tend to go by the wayside without mom saying “clean your room.”

Before moms come to visit for Mom’s Weekend, some students will overhaul their rooms to prove to mom they can keep clean while away from her watchful eye.

Ashley Koelling, freshman in Business, said her room is normally pretty clean, but she’ll probably do “a little dusting and vacuuming” before her mom arrives to make a good impression.

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Scott McAdam, sophomore in ACES, said he doesn’t have much to do before his mom arrives on April 11.

“Everything is in order,” he said.

On the other hand, Trevor Woodland, freshman in LAS, said his mom has not seen his room on a typical day, with things scattered everywhere. Besides putting away items he said he thinks his mom might determine “inappropriate,” he added he would make sure his laundry was done.

“I just don’t want anything lying around,” he said.

Some students may want to show their parents they are here doing what they are supposed to be doing: studying and learning. Jeff Lambert, freshman in Engineering, said he would put books out in his room to show his mom.

Jennifer Lang, freshman in LAS, said she is excited for her mom to see her room since she did not help her move in.

“She’s more excited probably,” Lang said.

Clean rooms are not the only issue some students think about when preparing for mom’s visit; entertainment is also important.

Koelling said her mom planned an itinerary for their weekend together, and she will be getting tickets for various events in the area.

Sherry Lam, senior in LAS, said her mom is not coming, but if she were, she would ask around beforehand for opinions on where to take her mom and places to avoid.

Other students said they would like to show their moms the campus where they spend most of their time.

“I’d prepare a tour of the University,” said Brian Kim, freshman in Business.

Jesse Kappel, sophomore in LAS, said if students are planning to take their moms out to dinner, they should be sure to make reservations ahead of time.

Wenyi Ying, freshman in LAS, said if her mom were visiting, she would want to prepare a small gift for her.

Whatever students do, they will want to spend quality time with their moms.

“I plan on doing stuff I couldn’t do at home with her,” said Claire Brown, freshman in LAS.