Faith more important than ever
September 24, 2008
As an ’05 grad and a Catholic, I have fond memories of the deep spirituality and genuine friendship I experienced through the Newman community. In light of the news about Father Layden, I wanted to offer my support. It is always difficult when a member of your community is experiencing a great trial, and it is certainly a shock when the person holds a position of respect. But we must try to respond with compassion. I’d also like to encourage Catholics and non-Catholics alike not to use this situation as a reason to write off or justify leaving the Catholic faith. Scandals among faith leaders often result in skepticism and criticism of the faith itself. Although it’s not always easy, we must remember to choose our religious affiliation after carefully researching the teachings of the faith instead of evaluating the other members. Human beings will always make mistakes, so it’s important that faith is grounded in true understanding, relationship and commitment. I don’t intend to make excuses but rather to highlight the importance of truly studying and embracing the whole of your faith tradition so that you have an anchor during difficult times.