Fee refund policy dishonest
October 22, 2008
I am currently enrolled in my third year of college, but this is my first semester attending the University of Illinois. So far I am having a wonderful first semester with only one exception. I am very displeased with the University’s policy regarding refundable fees.
When an undergraduate student is enrolled in 12 or more credit hours they incur multiple fees totaling as much as $1,499, which are included in every semester’s tuition payment. However, up to $264 of these fees are refundable. My problem is not with the fees themselves, but rather the manner in which the U of I issues refunds for students wishing to opt out of the applicable fees.
Students are forced to pay for all fees along with their tuition and can only later obtain a refund by visiting the Cashiers Operations room in the Henry Administration building in person. Furthermore, the dates on which students may obtain refunds are staggered, with different dates for different fees.
This policy of staggering the dates to obtain refunds seems to be an intentional act of trickery by U of I. They are counting on students having busy schedules and forgetting to obtain their refunds. To back up my belief, when I asked an employee in the Cashiers Office about this policy she told me that there is no reason to stagger the refund dates other than to deceive the students.
The U of I should have a single period of time to request a refund for these fees or allow students to opt out of the fees before they have to pay them. I find this policy of staggering refund dates to be a despicable and dishonest act on part of the U of I.