Apartment hunting for procrastinators

By Rosie Powers

Students hoping to obtain a last-minute lease for next year may feel as though possibilities for renting a reasonable apartment are limited. However, the perfect apartment may be closer than many students think. “Students who come to the Tenant Union simply need to decide what they want, and we’ll help them find it,” said Esther Patt, coordinator of the Tenant Union.Students hoping to obtain a last-minute lease for next year may feel as though possibilities for renting a reasonable apartment are limited. However, the perfect apartment may be closer than many students think.

“Students who come to the Tenant Union simply need to decide what they want, and we’ll help them find it,” said Esther Patt, coordinator of the Tenant Union.

“Get a copy of the lease, and we’ll give advice on whether or not the contract is fair.”

While larger and closer locations on campus may be already filled, many one- and two-bedroom apartments throughout campus are still available, according to Patt.

“Sometimes buying an apartment further from the Quad has benefits,” said Patt. “You often pay less money and have more amenities.”

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Housing company Web sites list properties with price, size, location and a picture of the complex. Some sites include the current availability of the property.

But students having high hopes of getting a close apartment on Green Street may have to wait another year for their dream apartment.

“The apartments closest to campus generally go the quickest, so when it comes to apartment searching, the earlier the better,” said Kristie Davis, property manager at Bankier Apartments.

There is also an unseen benefit to waiting to sign a lease in the spring.

Students who wait to sign with a fellow tenant often know their future roommate better, having waited a semester longer before making the decision to live with them, Patt said.

“By the second semester, students know each other better, and also can make more definite plans,” Patt said. “This reduces the risk of someone backing out.”

However, most housing companies agree that roommate disagreements are a very minor issue on the University campus.

“We rarely have issues with roommates,” said Michael Jay, director of public relations and communications at Campus Property Management.

“The best thing for a student to do is to look around and make the decision that’s best for themselves.”

Although options may not be as varied as in the fall, many University students are satisfied with their recent apartment searches.

“Waiting until this time of year definitely gives you less options, but the apartment that we’ve chosen was really what we were looking for,” said Collin Enke, freshman in general studies.

Still looking for a lease? Use these references:

  • apartmentratings.com
  • illiniapartments.com
  • classifieds.dailyillini.com
  • news-gazette.com/classifieds/rentals/
  • cu-living.com
  • champaignrent.com
  • chambana.craigslist.org/apa/
  • rent.com
  • Tenant Union in room 326, Illini Union
  • Call 333-1420 for information about the University’s Certified Housing