Realtors take advantage of students

Students living in apartments in Champaign-Urbana are being taken advantage of by realtors.

Landlords offer many different kinds of leases and options in cities across the country; just because C-U is a college town does not mean that realtors can use and abuse our meager wallets. With increasing amounts of students studying abroad, graduating early or needing to stay an extra semester, Champaign-Urbana must adopt regulations to force realtors to allow the option of a semester lease. There are many issues with the apartment hunt in C-U and the semester lease is something that should already be offered. Not only would semester leases benefit the people renting, but also the landlords.

In the past few years, massive new apartment buildings have been built creating an abundance of apartments. If a semester lease is made available, the realtor makes more money than if the apartment would be unused for an entire year.

In my proposed policy, students wishing to use the semester lease policy will pay an increased rent each month compared to those on a yearlong lease.

The amount that the lessee will pay shall not be more than a twenty five percent increase of the original monthly rent and realtors must offer a semester lease policy within sixty days of the first available signing date.

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If a company does not comply, they will be fined and will be noted on their record at the Student Tenant Union. This policy should be made as soon as possible.

Although renters can sometimes haggle their way to get a semester lease, realtors must offer more options just like they do in most other cities.

Cristina Bontempo

sophomore in LAS