Third annual Bud Light Summer Stage event to return to campus on Saturday

The Dirty Feathers perform on Green Street at Bud Light Summer Stage 2013. 2014’s festival will take place Saturday. 

The third annual Bud Light Summer Stage event is returning to campus Saturday, hosting activities for all ages such as music, Kids Fest and the Big Fat Ugly eating contest.

This year the festival will be located at the corner of Sixth and John streets, making this the first year that the event will not be held on Green Street.

“The goal is to move the stage every year,” said Erin Lippitz, Champaign Center Partnership executive director. “This is so different businesses can benefit from the event every year.”

The event will begin with the Kids Fest at 3 p.m., which will include carnival games, dancing, music, fairytale theater, a petting zoo and more. As a brand new part of the Bud Light Summer Stage this year, the goal of the Kids Fest is to bring in more families to the festival.

“We wanted to organize it for more of a festival for kids to reach out to families,” Lippitz said. “We don’t see a lot of families on campus. They see it as more of an event for students, and we want to change this perception. We’re hoping the Kids Fest encourages families to get down here and stay for the concert.”

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Admission to the Kids Fest is $5 per child up to four children, with each additional child and adults admitted for free. All proceeds will be given to the non profit organizations that will be assisting in the Kids Fest, such as The Uniting Pride (UP) Center, United Way, the local food bank and more.

Following the Kids Fest will be the concert kicking off at 6 p.m. with free admission, featuring bands such as Mike Ingram, 90’s Daughter and the Brat Pack.

“The bands that we have are really fun and enthusiastic,” Lippitz said. “Brat Pack does a lot of throw back ’80s songs that will appeal to adults and students that were alive in the ’80s. They will even dress up as the people sometimes, with the lead singer dressing up as Michael Jackson.”

At 6:45 p.m. between acts, the Big Fat Ugly sandwich eating contest will begin. Participants must eat Fat Sandwich’s “Big Fat Ugly” sandwich, which is almost as large as a football, in 20 minutes or less, with prizes handed out to the top three winners.

The festival is scheduled to last until 11 p.m., with music continuing after the event at Murphy’s Pub, 604 E. Green St., and Legends Bar and Grill, located at 522 E. Green St. The two bars will host local singers and musicians to continue the event for those who are not ready to end the night.

“We hope to have a good showing for all the Bud Light Summer Stage events,” Lippitz said. “Its free and something to do on a Saturday night. Students don’t have to go far, and can pop into their favorite bars for some food between acts and activities. Also, it’s free!”

Christine can be reached at [email protected].