Best and easiest dorm room snacks to keep on hand
August 14, 2014
When moving into your new residence hall, one major concern is your new food source: the dining hall. Whether you live at PAR, ISR, the six pack or any of the dorms on campus, be sure to know that your dining hall will inconvenience you at some time, and probably more than once.
Whether it’s the food, the dining hours or because you have too much homework and no time to eat, some days you just won’t feel up to eating in the dining hall.
Which is exactly why it is important to have the essential dorm room snacks stocked up for these food-related emergencies.
There certainly are snacks that every college student living in the dorm should have. Although they are simple, these snacks will get the job done. It’s important to remember that the freshman 15 can become a reality though, so make sure to eat everything in moderation. Here are the best and easiest snacks to keep on hand during your dorm room stay:
1. Any and all microwavable items
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Your microwave will become your best friend. So many snacks and meals can be made in five minutes or less in the microwave, giving you a fast and easy solution to your hunger.
You can make microwavable macaroni and cheese, soups, rice, ramen, hot dogs and much more. Popcorn is also an essential snack to any dorm room, considering all you have to do is put the bag in the microwave and let it sit for two minutes. Then, done! You have a snack that you can devour in five minutes before you have to run to your next class.
2. Chips and salsa
Although you should watch out for your sodium intake while eating this snack, chips and salsa is a great, healthy snack to keep on hand.
Salsa contains a good mix of vegetables that can make for a quick lunch or snack in between classes when you are in a rush. Also, both chips and salsa (when kept in the fridge) usually last for a long time, so it will always be there for a back up meal. Tostitos’ salsa can be found for as low as $2.98 and Tostitos’ chips can be found for as low as $2.50 in Walgreens or local grocery stores, making it a cheap snack as well.
3. Bread and peanut butter
Looking for a substantial meal or snack that will fill you up during your all-nighter? A peanut butter sandwich should do the trick. Peanut butter is a good source of protein, making it a substitute meal for those days where homework and studying overwhelm your life. Peanut butter lasts a long time, and can just be kept anywhere in your room. You may have to keep buying more bread, but you can also substitute it for crackers which can be found at I-57, Penn Station, Chomps or any A La Carte station in your dorm.
4. Fruits and vegetables
If you’re just looking for something to munch on, make sure to keep some fruits and vegetables in your mini refrigerator.
A lot of the dining hall food and other snacks you may have can be fattening, so having some healthy snack options may make you feel better. Just having some carrots, celery, string beans and other vegetables in your fridge to snack on can boost your energy before heading to class. It is also a good idea to have bananas, apples, strawberries, pears or whatever fruit you enjoy kept in your room.
Most fruit you could want can usually be found in the dining hall, so take one or two to go if you think you might be hungry later.
5. Typical junk food
If you’re a stress-eater like me, you’ll be craving all kinds of junk food during those stressful study nights. Make sure you have your favorite cookies, chips, candy, pretzels and other snacks on hand. But as I said before, make sure to eat everything in moderation to avoid gaining unwanted weight.
6. Breakfast foods
Have an 8 or 9 a.m. class every day of the week? There is a high chance that you won’t be waking up early to head down to the dining hall for breakfast. And I don’t blame you. But breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day, so it’s still important to have a little something before going to class.
Have some milk, cereal, eggs, granola bars and other fast breakfast foods in your room for those early mornings. This way you can have a meal in your own room, and sleep in a little later than you probably should.
7. Drinks
Stock up on water, Gatorade, juice, soda or whatever you like to drink. Especially water. There may be water fountains in your dorm, but when people start putting garbage, vomit and other unidentifiable objects in there… You’ll be glad you had your own water bottles.
Christine is a sophomore in Media. She can be reached at [email protected].