Police blotter for April 23, 2015


— Burglary was reported at Kenwood School, 1001 Stratford Drive, around 7 a.m. Monday.

According to the report, the offender broke a window and damaged a computer belonging to a school.

— Arson was reported at St. John’s Lutheran School, 509 S. Mattis Ave., around 5:30 p.m. Monday.

According to the report, the offender set fire to a picnic table, shrubs and a fence.

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— Theft was reported on the 400 block of South University Avenue around 3:30 p.m. Tuesday.

According to the report, the offender was arrested for attempting to steal property from a construction site.

— Battery was reported at Circle K, 809 W. Green St., around 5 p.m. Tuesday.

According to the report, the victim was battered by two unknown male suspects.


— A University student was issued an ordinance for public urination and was arrested around 1 a.m. near Fourth and Daniel streets Wednesday.

According to the report, the student was arrested for resisting arrest.

— A University employee reported around 1:30 p.m. that her vehicle’s trunk lid had been scratched in the 1400 block of West Pennsylvania Avenue Tuesday.

According to the report, the suspect is unknown and the vehicle’s estimated damage is about $500.


— Theft was reported in the 1900 block of Prairie Winds Drive around 3 p.m. Tuesday.

According to the report, the unknown offender stole items from the victim’s apartment.

Compiled by Camille Murray and Charlotte Collins