Police blotter for April 27, 2015


— Deceptive practices were reported at County Market, 312 W. Kirby Ave., around 9 p.m. on Thursday.

According to the report, a counterfeit $20 bill was reported while registers were being cashed out.

— Lost articles were reported in the 400 block of East Green Street around 10:30 a.m. Friday.

According the report, an individual reported lost items, including a drivers license, one purse or wallet, three firearms and one identification item.

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— Criminal damage to property was reported at the Materials Science and Engineering Building, 1304 W. Green St., sometime Thursday morning.

According to the report, a University employee reported that somebody damaged a door. The estimated cost to repair the door is $200.


— Domestic battery was reported in the 300 block of South Cottage Grove Avenue around 1 p.m. Friday.

According to the report, the victim and the offender are in a relationship and live together. The offender allegedly battered her, but no evidence or witnesses were located.

— A domestic dispute was reported at A Woman’s Place, 1304 E. Main St,, around 4 p.m. Friday.

According the report, the victim and the offender are in a dating relationship and live together. The victim left the offender because he told the victim he had placed a tracking device on her cell phone. It is undetermined if a tracking device was placed on the victim’s phone.

Compiled by Ali Braboy