Beat the goodbye blues with these dos and don'ts of Welcome Week

By Angelica Lavito

It’s here. The day you’ve been eagerly awaiting all summer. Except now the nerves are setting in.

The reality of leaving all your family and friends is hitting you. Will you make new friends? What if you get homesick? How will you figure out how to do your laundry?

Move in day can be a whirlwind of emotions. Saying goodbye to your parents as they drop you off may be sadder than you thought. Walking through your residence hall and realizing you don’t know a single face can be stranger than you imagined.

But don’t get caught up in sadness and nervousness. Everyone is going through a similar flurry of emotions. Most people don’t know each other and want to make new friends.

Welcome week is what you make of it, and you should take advantage of every opportunity to meet new people and get involved on campus. It might be tempting to hide in your dorm room for a week, but it will be much more rewarding to put yourself out there and embrace all the University has to offer.

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Do keep your door open the first week

You would be amazed how many people are willing to walk around and introduce themselves. That’s how I met my best friends.

Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to people

Introduce yourself to people you see in the hallways, dining halls, etc. Most freshmen want to meet other freshmen so don’t feel awkward trying to meet new people.

Do eat meals with other students you see

It might feel uncomfortable to invite yourself to a table or ask someone if they want to eat with you, but sharing meals with people at the dining halls is a great way to get to know people.

Don’t spend all of your free time FaceTiming your boyfriend/girlfriend

It’s natural to miss the important people in your life and want to talk to them, but welcome week is your best opportunity to make connections on campus. You two could break up and your world will seem like it’s ending if you you make him or her your only priority.

Do go to Quad Day

Quad Day is the best opportunity to learn about everything that’s happening on campus. There is such a diverse group of registered student organizations that you’re sure to find at least one that interests you.

Don’t be afraid to learn more about Greek Life

Greek life is not for everyone. Some people hate it, while others love it. People on both ends of the spectrum will give you their opinions, but learn more about it yourself and decide whether or not it’s right for you.

Do enjoy welcome week activities to the fullest

If there’s one week my friends and I talk about more than any other, it’s welcome week. Yes it’s awkward at first, but then it’s fun. Just remember you’re probably never going to have a unique opportunity like this to meet so many new people who are all in similar situations.

Don’t completely write off your parents

While your new friends are great, make sure to check in with your parents from time to time. They’re probably just as nervous as you are, so let them know everything is OK. Tweet: Do read our welcome week tips before you move in. Don’t let your nerves spoil your first week on campus.

Angelica is a junior in Media. 
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