Odds and Ends: Mich. couple holds their wedding in funeral home

By The Associated Press

ST. JOSEPH TOWNSHIP, Mich. – It generally has flowers, and a clergyman is often present, but this was a first for a local funeral home.

Jason and Rachael Storm held their wedding at Starks and Menchinger Family Funeral Home, where he is a funeral director.

“This room is usually filled with sadness and contemplation, but today it is filled with joy and celebration,” the Rev. Greg Prather said at the start of Saturday’s ceremony.

Jason Storm, 24, doesn’t see much difference between getting married in a church or the funeral home.

Rachael Storm, also 24, said the location did “not creep me out at all.”

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“I’m very accustomed to what he does. The one thing I’m very much about is being unique,” she said.

Not everyone was entirely comfortable with the idea.

Rachael Storm said some invited guests initially refused to attend, but the couple assured family and friends there would not be any caskets or corpses in the room.

High temperatures affect opening of Wis. Favre maze

ELEVA, Wis. – A corn maze that shows former Packer Brett Favre in his No. 4 jersey opened over the weekend in northwestern Wisconsin, but the heat may have kept some people away.

The six-acre maze in Eleva that shows Favre preparing to throw a pass drew about 100 people Sunday, when temperatures climbed past 85 degrees.

Owner Carlene Schultz says opening weekend was relatively slow, likely because of the heat.

She says the number of visitors usually picks up around October when temperatures are cooler.

The family will donate $1 from the sale of each corn maze ticket to the Deanna Favre Hope Foundation.

From Associated Press reports