Letter: Misguided judgment

By The Daily Illini

Being a Christian for 15 years, I have seen people going about spreading the Gospel with wrong methods and it makes me want to cringe, because they are probably turning people off to God.

Alex, I’m sorry you’ve had a few bad experiences that have embittered you towards evangelism, but let me set the record straight and say that the methods and motives of evangelism you described Christians as having are rarely true.

Imagine finding a fountain of life, drinking from it, and living forever. Wouldn’t you have a passion about telling people, being excited about sharing this fountain with everyone so they can live forever too? We as Christians believe God died for our sins and gives us eternal salvation if we believe in Him.

I love to tell people about my faith in Christ; there is nothing manipulative, immoral, or fake about it. I don’t single out certain groups or force people to listen to me. I don’t start conversations with “Hey you, you’re going to Hell!”

Our goal is not to “chalk up points with God” but rather to serve Him. He has given us the greatest gift of all and asks that we would tell everyone about Him so that they have a chance to receive His free gift. Christians share the gospel with such passion believing that everyone should have the chance to hear and understand the gospel in their lifetime.

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Our objective is to share the love of Christ with others, to explain to them what we believe, and yes, even develop relationships with them, as crazy as that sounds.

We don’t force people to convert; everyone has free will. That doesn’t mean we can’t share our faith with them in hopes that they might realize and accept God’s perfect gift as well.

John Vanne

junior in LAS