Letter: Just FYI

By The Daily Illini

I think it’s laughable for Elie Dvorin to suggest that black voters give the GOP “a chance.” Elie, please save your Public (dis)Service Announcement and find another cause. Not only did Thursday’s column speak to your ignorance, but your motives are transparent.

What Elie calls “blind support” is, for many, the choice of the lesser of two evils. As a black woman, I am offended by the implication that blacks do not look at the issues when choosing a candidate to support. Sure, there are some people who are faithful to the Democratic Party, but there are also staunch Republicans who wouldn’t consider any other vote. How about encouraging them to think outside the box? Oh, but that would be blasphemy! Voting for a party that plots against their precious tax breaks and advocates policies that benefit people who don’t earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year? Only a fool would suggest such a thing!

Just an FYI, Elie. A lot of people aren’t voting for the Democratic Party this year – they’re voting against Bush. And what were you trying to prove by referencing the president’s rainbow coalition cabinet? Who’s playing the race card now? There’s a black man on the Supreme Court too, but unfortunately socio-economic class is far more powerful than any of these brown faces, which is exactly why the GOP is not an option for many black voters.

Rosalyn Yates

junior in communications

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