Letter: Every vote counts

By The Daily Illini

The upcoming election is Tuesday, Nov. 2, and don’t forget to vote. Throughout the fall, there have been many efforts on this campus to get University students registered to vote. Many students and faculty have registered this fall, but that means nothing unless they make it to the polls. Our age group, 18 to 34 year olds, is historically the most underrepresented age group at the polls. If we don’t get out and vote, how do we ever expect to be heard? If we are not a voting section of the public, we will continue to be overlooked constituents, and we give no politicians any reason to push for issues that concern us, because we won’t affect whether they get re-elected.

If we learned anything from the 2000 election, it is that every vote counts. As a nation, we watched Florida recount its ballots, and every vote counted in deciding who the next president would be. It showed that our single vote counts; that our single vote makes a difference in the direction of this country; who our officials are; and what happens to our lives and the lives of our families. On Nov. 1, close to 600 University students will be wearing T-shirts that say “Just Vote.” Let that stand as a reminder to you to get out and vote. It counts; it’s your duty. If you don’t look out for your future who will? Go vote.

Kimberly Verest

President of the League of Women Voters

of Champaign County, Student Unit

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