Letter: Not that simple

By The Daily Illini

As a hunter and occasional trap shooter, I was pleased to hear that Kiyoshi Martinez finally got a chance to shoot a gun. However, this does not automatically allow him to speak on gun issues. Contrary to what he may believe, those “crazy liberals” are not trying to take people’s shotguns away so they can’t shoot trap anymore. The issue is much deeper.

The liberals, as well as most rationally thinking people, see a need to create laws banning certain weapons. Assault weapons give thugs an unfair advantage over all of us, especially law enforcement. And as crazily liberal as it might sound, certain handguns are not very good for trap shooting or any kind of hunting. Many are not even legal for hunting.

Maybe we should even regulate sales, because you don’t want people to be able to buy a gun right after they get in a fight with their spouse. Maybe we should even have laws concerning carrying and storing guns. Maybe you shouldn’t be able to carry your loaded gun in the passenger seat of your car. Maybe your gun even should be locked when you’re not using it. I know I don’t want my gun used on me. Gun-control supporters also see a need for heavier punishments for crimes committed with guns.

I, too, have shot a gun and while hunting, I have seen what a gunshot can do to a living being. My perception of guns has changed in that I have a greater respect for their devastating power, which is why I am so liberal as to say we need to regulate them. This is not to say that I don’t want anyone to have a gun, but I don’t want just “anyone” to have any gun and do anything they want with it.

Bryan M. Ballard

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