Katie Dunne best bet for student trustee

We are pleased that this year’s field of student trustee candidates is strong. After interviewing all five candidates Sunday afternoon we believe that Katie Dunne has the experience and abilities to best represent the student body to the University’s Board of Trustees.

While many of the same topics surfaced along with similar answers, Dunne offered the most balanced and informed perspective. And unlike many of the other candidates, she is running without being beholden to any specific constituency.

However, this endorsement shouldn’t detract from the other four candidates. All of them were qualified for the job as they come from backgrounds including the Illinois Student Senate, the Greek system and other special committees involving both students and school administrators. We feel their passion and interest for the student body was clearly evident and that the candidates we do not endorse would be best suited serving as they already are. Hopefully they will not be discouraged whatever the outcome of this competitive election, and will continue to be proactive for their causes in the campus community.

As a heavily experienced member of student government, Dunne understands its system and processes. She recognizes the political boundaries of being a student trustee by creating realistic expectations. Her platform consists of well-rounded and feasible solutions and because of this, it may be less divisive.

One of the main pillars of her platform is bringing in the most qualified and diverse students across the state. To accomplish this, she proposes that the University increase the number of fellowships and grants given to under-represented groups.

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In regards to curbing the high costs of textbooks, she hopes to expand programs like the Illini Book Exchange and exploring a tax holiday instead of pushing for more questionable alternatives like a textbook rental or loan program.

Most importantly, Dunne is very down-to-earth and accessible. Her ability to speak openly and competently on a wide array of campus issues makes it evident that she has put significant effort into researching them. Her pledge to attend meetings of many student organizations is refreshing.

She hopes the administration can create an open dialogue with students through frequent, smaller social gatherings like the informal dinner between administrators and students that was held at a resident dining hall.

This fits in with her number one priority: protecting the voice of the students in a time when the Board of Trustee’s actions have become increasingly discrete and detached from the students they govern.

Because of her commitment to the student body and promise of realistic solutions, we encourage you to vote for Katie Dunne for Student Trustee.