Men’s tennis heads to Midland Invitational

David Solana

David Solana

By Amber Greviskes

The last time Michael Calkins traveled to the Midland Invitational, he was a top-ranked player on the Illinois tennis team.

This year, he returns to the Midland Invitational for the first time since 2002, as an assistant student coach of the Illini program.

“It’s definitely a different side of the table, something that I’m not used to, but something that I want to get used to,” said Calkins, who is confident that the men will perform well.

Senior Evan Zeder is coming off a strong performance last weekend. He advanced to the finals of Flight ‘A’ of the Louisville Fall Invitational. Zeder said he thinks the match experience from last weekend, will help this weekend, despite the stiffer competition.

Several top athletes from 16 of the nation’s top teams will be on hand for the action this weekend.

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“Those are all some of our top teams that we are going to face this year and it’s going to be great to be able to go out there and play again,” Zeder said.

Among the teams expected to be in attendance are Texas, Baylor and UCLA.

With the high-powered competition, including both teams that advanced into the NCAA finals, the men are ready to prove they are still competitive.

“It’s a good opportunity for us to prove what we have been working on,” said Illinois junior Pramod Dabir. “I’m ready to show myself.”

Calkins, who will be the only coach traveling with the men, said he is looking forward to show his coaching prowess.

Since he began coaching earlier this season, Calkins said he has learned a lot about evaluating and analyzing athletes’ style of play.

“Before, I would look at matches more as entertainment and just enjoyed watching the game and watching people play,” Calkins said. “Now, from the first ball, you’re looking at groups and you’re looking at shot selection. I’m more prone to looking at technique and what their tendencies are.”

Not only will he be able to craft accurate scouting reports this weekend to help his former teammates, but he will also be able to use the information to help him analyze other athletes’ styles of play when he competes professionally in the future.

“My job down there is to get the guys as mentally and physically ready as I can,” Calkins said.

The men are confident that he will be a good coach. Calkins coached Dabir earlier this season, when Illinois competed at the Intercollegiate Tennis Association All-American Championships.

“He knows a lot about the game and has a good perspective of how we play,” Dabir played. “He’s played against most of these guys before too.”

Zeder is confident the trip will go smoothly.

“I’m already totally comfortable with Mike and Pramod,” Zeder said.

Both men are scheduled to play singles and doubles at the tournament. They are hoping to use this weekend to gain momentum for the upcoming Midwest Regional competition.

“You can be playing great in practice, but matches are completely different,” Zeder said. “You get put in more pressure situations, more often.”

For now, the men will focus on the Midland Invitational. And they’ll focus on their regular routine. After all, Calkins said, “a match is a match, regardless of what team is across the net.”