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The independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois since 1871

The Daily Illini

The independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois since 1871

The Daily Illini

The independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois since 1871

The Daily Illini

The independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois since 1871

The Daily Illini

Sydney Laput

Sydney Laput, Photo Editor

Phourong Noi Phetchareune, new owner of the Y Eatery, brings in a tray of fresh food during lunch time on Tuesday. Noi took ownership when his uncle stepped down.

[Photo] Y Eatery changes ownership

By Piotr Fedczuk, Staff Writer October 13, 2022
Senior tight end Luke Ford and other Illinois football players sing “Hail to the Orange” with fans as they celebrate their win against Iowa on Saturday.

[Photo] Packed Memorial Stadium brings renewed energy

By Jonathan Alday, Assistant Sports Editor October 11, 2022
People walk and gather by the local stores and cafes of downtown Champaign on Saturday. The C-U community is always adapting to fit both needs of students and residents.

[Photo] Ever-changing population makes C-U unique

By Kylie Corral, Assistant Buzz Editor September 27, 2022
Assistant opinions editor Talia Duffy argues that Champaign is a better city when it comes to more activities and gives students a city-life, social vibe.

[Photo] Opinion | Champaign reigns supreme over Urbana

By Talia Duffy, Assistant Opinions Editor September 28, 2022
Yanyu Xiong, a graduate student studying electrical and computer engineering, holds the photonic crystal biosensors which is what holds the droplets of liquid to perform the tests.

[Photo] New biosensing technique diagnoses cancer at early stages

By Yuzhu Liu, Assistant Features Editor September 21, 2022
Joseph Lyding, professor in Engineering, and Branden Wolan, graduate student studying electrical and computer engineering, pose with the 3D printed carbon nanotube film in the Nick Holonyak Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory on Friday.

[Photo] Illinois researchers improve production of carbon nanotubes

By Aditya Sayal, Assistant Investigative News & Longform Editor September 16, 2022