Animal cruelty needs to stop

I’d like to thank the DI for the article on the cruelty of puppy mills. Puppies and kittens in puppy and kitten mills are commonly housed in overcrowded, filthy, inhumane conditions and then are sold to pet stores.

I’d like to thank the DI for the article on the cruelty of puppy mills [“Student Activists for Animal Rights Take to the Quad to Protest Mills,” April 16]. Puppies and kittens in puppy and kitten mills are commonly housed in overcrowded, filthy, inhumane conditions and then are sold to pet stores. Often, the breeding females spend their entire lives confined in cages. has more information on the cruelty involved. Luckily, there are things we can do to stop the cruelty. First, if you want a companion animal once you graduate college and settle down, adopt one from an animal shelter instead of purchasing one from a pet store. Secondly, write or call your state and federal legislators asking them to crack down on puppy mill cruelty.

William McMullin

Portage, Mich.