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The independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois since 1871

The Daily Illini

The independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois since 1871

The Daily Illini

The independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois since 1871

The Daily Illini

The independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois since 1871

The Daily Illini

Kyra Sadovi

Kyra Sadovi, Assistant Opinions Editor

Hey! I'm a junior in Political Science and Econometrics & Quantitative Economics. I've been working as an opinions columnist and copy editor at the DI for a year before becoming assistant opinions editor. I'm a member of the Illinois Trial Team, and am involved in local politics.

[email protected]

The Alma Mater on Wright St and Green St. Assistant opinions editor Kyra demands the University find a solution that closes the loophole without forgetting the students this policy was designed to benefit. and thus restore this institution’s.

Emancipation loophole proves need for change in admissions

By Kyra Sadovi, Assistant Opinions Editor August 26, 2019
Representatives of the Classical Fencing Registered Student Organization sit at their booths as people walk by exploring the Quad during Quad Day Aug. 26. Keep in mind the people working on Quad Day are people, too.

Be kind on Quad Day

By Kyra Sadovi, Assistant opinions editor August 25, 2019
A Veoride bicycle is parked on a sidewalk in Champaign. The rentable bicycles lie all around campus and can promote hazardous situations if improperly parked.

Avoid Veoride disasters with these tips

By Kyra Sadovi, Assistant opinions editor August 20, 2019

This is the end of an era for your parents, too

By Kyra Sadovi, Assistant Opinions Editor May 24, 2019
The Ring video doorbell, mounted next to the front door of a house.

Smart doorbells encourage bad habits

By Kyra Sadovi, Columnist February 18, 2019
Consider the homeless on campus

Consider the homeless on campus

By Kyra Sadovi, Columnist February 2, 2019
The entrance to vote at the Herbert Young Community Center polling place in Cary, N.C., on Nov. 6, 2012. The State and 13 congressional districts will remain in place and so will the Nov. 6 election, a federal three-judge panel ruled on Sept. 4.

The real culprits of voter ID laws

By Kyra Sadovi, Columnist December 13, 2018
Thankfulness should transcend the holidays

Thankfulness should transcend the holidays

By Kyra Sadovi, Columnist November 28, 2018
Students ride their bicycles on Wright Street on Tuesday. Columnist Kyra advocates for both pedestrians and cyclists to exercise caution when crossing bike lanes.

Pedestrians should stay out of bike lanes

By Kyra Sadovi, Columnist September 19, 2018
Alex Jones wrong about free speech

Alex Jones wrong about free speech

By Kyra Sadovi, Columnist September 13, 2018
Protesters stand outside of the CPD headquarters after a monthly board
meeting on Dec. 9, 2015.

Reform only works if officers speak up

By Kyra Sadovi, Columnist September 6, 2018
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